The Austronesian Comparative Dictionary

Bender et al. 2003a

Bender, Byron W. and Goodenough, Ward H. and Jackson, Frederick H. and Marck, Jeffrey C. and Rehg, Kenneth L. and Sohn, Ho-min and Trussel, Stephen and Wang, Judith W. 2003a. Proto-Micronesian reconstructions - 2. Oceanic Linguistics 42. 271-358.

  author  = {Bender, Byron W. and Goodenough, Ward H. and Jackson, Frederick H. and Marck, Jeffrey C. and Rehg, Kenneth L. and Sohn, Ho-min and Trussel, Stephen and Wang, Judith W.},
  journal = {Oceanic Linguistics},
  key     = {Bender et al. 2003a},
  pages   = {271-358},
  title   = {Proto-Micronesian reconstructions - 2},
  volume  = {42},
  year    = {2003a}