The Austronesian Comparative Dictionary

*bala(n)tik spring back suddenly; spring-set spear trap; the constellation Orion

PWMP bala(n)tik spring back suddenly; spring-set spear trap; the constellation Orion

Itbayaten vaxatich fishing rod used at night near the shore by standing on an elevated rock
Casiguran Dumagat bilatek type of trap (for spearing deer and wild pig; consists of a bamboo spring which shoots a bamboo spear into the side of the animal)
Ilokano balantík flipping, flicking with the tip of a stick; being hit by a twig that crosses the path in a forest
Hanunóo balátik horizontal spring spear pig trap, usually equipped with a long, tapering bamboo point
Tboli belatik spring-spear trap for wild pigs
Aklanon baeátik booby trap, improvised trap, (to catch by surprise)
Cebuano balátik trap consisting of a trip rope which releases a spear
Manobo (Western Bukidnon) belatik bamboo spear trap; the constellation Orion
Sangir balatiʔ spring-set spear trap for pigs
Iban belatik trap consisting of a low frame from which a spear is hurled when the trap is sprung
Malay bintaŋ belanték Orion
belanték spring-gun, spring-spear, spring-trap
Kayan belatik to flip; to spring back straight, as a bent sapling suddenly springing straight; a pig trap using a spear propelled by a bent sapling
Tae' baʔtik flicking movement of the tongue in speaking; resilient rebound of an object that has been bent down (under tension) when it is released
Balinese belantik tiger-trap