The Austronesian Comparative Dictionary

*banua inhabited land, territory supporting the life of a community

PMP banua inhabited land, territory supporting the life of a community

Itbayaten vanua landing place, port
Pangasinan banwá sun
Kapampangan banwá year; sky, heaven
Buhid bánwa sky
Aklanon banwá town, country
Hiligaynon banwá town, community; a compactly settled area usually larger than a village but smaller than a city
Cebuano banwá fatherland; town, village
Subanen/Subanun meg-banua live, dwell
Subanon meg-banua live, dwell
Palauan bəlúu country, village, place
Sangir banua land, district; people; state; sea; weather
Simalur bano land, place, district
fano land, place, district
Toba Batak banua toru underworld, world of the dead
banua toŋa on middle world, Earth
banua land, district, region
banua ginjaŋ upper world, heaven
Iban menoa area of land held and used by a distinct community, esp. longhouse, including house, farms, gardens, fruit groves, cemetery, water and all forest within half a day's journey. Use of the is only gained and maintained by much effort and danger, and by proper rites to secure and preserve a ritual harmony of all within it and the unseen forces involved; home, abode, place, district, country, region
menoa laŋit the heavens, abode of and other deities
menua area of land held and used by a distinct community, esp. longhouse, including house, farms, gardens, fruit groves, cemetery, water and all forest within half a day's journey. Use of the is only gained and maintained by much effort and danger, and by proper rites to secure and preserve a ritual harmony of all within it and the unseen forces involved; home, abode, place, district, country, region
Malay benua large expanse of land; empire; continent; mainland in contrast to island. To the old Malays even a large island like Java was a
Maloh banua country, land; commoner
Tondano wanua village
Nias banua tou underworld
banua sky, heaven, thunder; village; homeland; fellow villager; serf
Ampibabo-Lauje bonuo house
Mentawai manua sky, heaven
Banggai so-bonua-n one night
bonua house, dwelling
Bare'e banua house
wanua den of an animal
Tae' banua house, members of a household
Mandar banua town; district, area
Makassarese bataŋ banua title of the heads of certain districts (archaic and poetic)
bataŋ banoa title of the heads of certain districts (archaic and poetic)
banoa sheath (for a knife)
Old Javanese wanwa inhabited place or area; village, settlement
Yamdena pnue village
Selaru hnu village
Buli pnu village
Sawai pnu village
Numfor menu village
Mayá ꞌpnu³ village
Ansus wanu village; house
Waropen nu village, community
Ron monu village

POC panua village

Hawaiian honua land, earth
Woleaian faliuw land, island
Emira anua house
Tabar vanua house
Mendak anu house
Manam anua village
anua izara dawn
anua idaradara evening glow, sunset glow
Duke of York wanua land, country
Label hanua homestead, place where one lives
Gedaged panu village, settlement, hamlet, town, place, city
Tinputz βɔ̀.n village
Lakalai e-valua-gu members of my sib
la valua the men
Mono-Alu fanua fellow clansman
Marovo vanua house
Bugotu vanua land, island
Lau fanua land, earth; weather
Kilivila valu place, village, town, country, landscape, environment, world; climate, weather
Pokau vanua land
Kwaio fanua place, village, shrine-territory
'Āre'āre hanua land, as opposed to sea; district, place, country, island; the territory, area where a person lives, where his possessions are, such as food, bamboo, trees, pigs, water and graves is called his
Bwaidoga/Bwaidoka manua house, dwelling
Molima vanua pou residents of a village
vanua house
Sa'a hanua land, country, village, site of a village, place
Motu hanua boi night
hanua village; town
Longgu na vanua the people
vanua people
Hula vanuɣa land
Arosi hanua island, village (in compounds)
henua island, village (in compounds)
Rennellese henua land, as opposed to water; island; unknown land (poetic); people of the land; afterbirth
Rotuman hanua land, country, place; native land or place, home. Special uses: (a) it (when referring to conditions of light and darkness), (b) people, as in ? 'Where are the people?'
Mota vanua land, island, village, place
Samoan fanua land, field; afterbirth, placenta
faʔa-fanua map
Nokuku wɛnua house
Wusi-Mana wanua house
Lingarak ne-vanu house
Fijian vanua land, region, place; used in a number of weather expressions, 'it is daylight'; 'it is night'
Tongan fonua land, country, territory, place; people (of the land, etc.); afterbirth, placenta
Maori whenua land, country; ground; placenta, afterbirth
Proto-Admiralty panua village