The Austronesian Comparative Dictionary

*hamuk attack, run amuck

PMP hamuk attack, run amuck

Tagalog hámok hand-to-hand fight
Cebuano hámuk superhuman beings that harass people by frightening them. They usually assume the form of oversized animals if they show themselves, or may just indicate their presence without showing themselves. They may be found in any lonely place
Iban amok attack, run amuck; passion, enthusiasm, do with keenness, slave away at
Malay amok furious attack; charge; amuck. Of desperate onslaughts in old romances
Banjarese hamuk furious attack, charge
Ngaju Dayak amok furious, murderous attack
Sundanese ŋ-amuk furiously attack and fight, fight like a madman
Javanese amuk fury, violence
amuk-amuk-an attack each other violently
ŋ-amuk- go on a rampage
Balinese amuk rave, be furious; attack in fury
amuk-amuk tumult, great noise; furious, mad rage
Sasak amuk attack without warning, murder
Soboyo hamoʔ rob