The Austronesian Comparative Dictionary

*qiSu shark

PAN qiSu shark

Paiwan qisu shark
Yami yo-yo shark
Ivatan ío shark
Ifugaw íu said to be a kind of enormous eel, or boa, or a monstrous dragon swimming in the Lake of the Downstream Region
Casiguran Dumagat shark
Ilokano yo shark
Hanunóo íhu large sharklike fish with very thick, smooth skin, about one meter long
Agutaynen kiw shark
Cebuano íhu shark
Simalur iu shark
Toba Batak iu shark
Malay hiu shark; dogfish; generic for sharks, dogfish, hammerhead sharks, sawfish and beaked rays
yu shark; dogfish; generic for sharks, dogfish, hammerhead sharks, sawfish and beaked rays
Nias hiu shark
Sundanese hiu generic name for all sharklike fish
Bikol ího shark
Dobel suw shark
Erai iu shark
Leti iu shark
Komodo kiu shark
Sika ʔiu shark
Ngadha iu shark
iu teké whale
Tetun iu large shark
Kambera iu shark
Rotinese iu shark
Wetan iwi shark