The Austronesian Comparative Dictionary

*qudem dark, dull (of light or color)

PAN qudem dark, dull (of light or color)

Thao ma-qusum black
min-qusum get black, become black (as a child’s dirty face or hands)
tish-qusum-in be darkened by the sun, be blackened, as the skin
Puyuma (Tamalakaw) Huz-Huzem black
Puyuma Huz-Huzem black
Paiwan quze-quzem dull
Malay udam dulled (of lustre); faded (of coloring)
Bare'e udo-udo covered with clouds, cloudy (sky)
Madurese ondhem cloud
Balinese urem unclear, misty, cloudy (sky), half-dark, twilight

PAN ma-qudem dark, cloudy

Favorlang/Babuza ma-udum dark
Central Tagbanwa ma-urom cloudy