The Austronesian Comparative Dictionary

*tikuRas a bird: the Formosan bamboo partridge

PAN tikuRas a bird: the Formosan bamboo partridge

Thao tikulhat a dark brown, sparrow-size bird with a long tail that is much prized for its meat (called ‘bamboo chicken’ in Taiwanese). It is gregarious and calls out loudly when feeding in flocks. The male has an additional toe which is used in fighting.
Bunun tikulas partridge
cikuɬas a bird, the bamboo partridge
Amis tikolac a quail, bamboo partridge
Cebuano tikúgas kind of rail found in rice fields or marshy areas, 5-6” high and used for food: the white-breasted swamphen: Amaurornia phoenicurus
Maranao tikogas bird which is blue and seems to grunt; prefers water