The Austronesian Comparative Dictionary

*dapdap₁ a tree with dense clusters of red flowers, the Indian coral tree, Erythrina indica

PMP dapdap₁ a tree with dense clusters of red flowers, the Indian coral tree, Erythrina indica

Itbayaten rapdap ~ raprap a tree: Erythrina indica
Casiguran Dumagat dipdip a tree: Erythrina variegata L.
Kapampangan dapdap (banyan) tree, home of (spirits)
Tagalog dapdáp Indian coral tree
Hanunóo dapdáp a species of tree: Erythrina variegata Linn.
Masbatenyo dápdap beautiful red-flowering deciduous tree that loses all its leaves, then bursts forth in deep red flowers: the Indian coral tree, Erythrina indica
Aklanon dápdap kind of tree
Cebuano dapdáp small tree of the seashore, widely planted as an ornamental for its numerous bright red flowers, Erythrina variegata
Palauan róro Indian coral tree: Erythrina variegata L.
Dairi-Pakpak Batak en-dapdap kind of shade tree known for its connection with the cultivation of coffee: Erythrina indica
Toba Batak dapdap a fast-growing tree with spongy wood and gorgeous red blossoms
Karo Batak n-dapdap a tree with red blossoms, Erythrina variegata L. (Fam. Leguminosae)
Tontemboan raʔdap a tree: Erythrina indica
Ngaju Dayak dadap tree of middling size with beautiful red blossoms; cuttings placed in the earth grow easily and quickly; commonly planted around springs, etc. to prevent erosion of the banks
Tae' raʔdaʔ low-growing Indian coral tree, perhaps Erythrina microcarpa
Makassarese pokoʔ raʔraʔ a tree: Erythrina indica
buŋa raʔraʔ red flower of the Indian coral tree
Old Javanese ḍaḍap a tree: Erythrina indica
Javanese ḍaḍap a certain shade tree planted by coffee bushes
Balinese ḍapḍap a species of shade tree
Sasak dadap a species of shade tree
Bikol dapdáp tree with red, pea-shaped flowers growing in dense clusters, possessing long pods, smooth, gray bark, and young branches with prickles; wood used in fencing and for boundary posts: the Indian coral tree, Erythrina indica

POC rarap a tree with dense clusters of red flowers, the Indian coral tree, Erythrina indica

Lau rara species of tree with scarlet leaves, Erythrina fasca
Nggela rara species of tree, Erythrina, red flowers
Sa'a i Melutei rara ‘In the shade of the coral tree’, name of a village on Uki
rara the coral tree, Erythrina indica
Arosi rara a species of tree with red flowers, Erythrina indica
Wayan rara the coral tree, Erythrina spp. (Leguminosae); deciduous tree found mostly near coast; twigs and branchlets are prickly, flowers red; the juice of the bark is used to dilute bitter-tasting bark juice in medicine to treat infection (thrush) of the tongue
Fijian rara a flowering tree, Erythrina variegata, var. orientalis, Leguminosae