The Austronesian Comparative Dictionary

*kunij turmeric: Curcuma longa

PMP kunij turmeric: Curcuma longa

Isneg kúnig the zedoary, Curcuma zedoaria (Berg.) Rosc. Its rootstocks yield a yellow dye
Bontok kúnəg an erect herb with aromatic, fleshy rootstock, producing a yellow juice used as a dye: Curcuma zedoaria (Berg.) Rosc.
Kankanaey kúnig Curcuma zedoaria Rosc. A broad-leaved zingerberaceous herb, whose bulbs yield a yellow dye
Casiguran Dumagat kuneg species of cultivated root used for making yellow dye
Ilokano k<imm>únig yellowish
kúnig Curcuma zedoaria, plant that yields a yellow dye
mara-kúnig not yet fully developed (rice)
Tboli kunil turmeric: Curcuma domestica
Sangir kuniʔ a plant: Curcuma longa
kuniʔ kahəŋaŋ the true , used as a spice
Toba Batak hunik turmeric, the root of which is used to color curry yellow
Karo Batak kuniŋ Curcuma, turmeric
ŋ-kuniŋ-i rub turmeric into something
Iban kuñit turmeric; the rhizone yields a yellow dye, and is used for smearing the forehead of a corpse at the laying out of the dead
Malay kuñit turmeric: Curcuma longa; is associated (etymologically) with yellow
Uma mo-kuni yellow
kuni curcuma
Tae' kuniʔ the curcuma plant; the roots are used as a spice, a dye, and to give a yellow tint to cooked rice: Curcuma domestica
paʔ-kuniʔ that which is tinted yellow with curcuma
paʔ-kunir-an used to tint something yellow with curcuma
Old Javanese kunir turmeric
kunir-en yellowish
Javanese kunir turmeric, used in cooking; also as the symbolic representation of the clitoris in the ceremony (ritual piercing of the clitoris of girls, and circumcision for boys)
Malagasy hónitra a creeping plant used by the Betsimisaraka as a red dye
Rembong kunis turmeric: Curcuma longa
Tetun kunir a plant; also, the color yellow

PWMP k<in>uñij-an material that has been colored yellow with turmeric

Kankanaey k<in>unig-an yellow-dyed cotton yarn
Toba Batak h<in>unih-an rice colored yellow with turmeric