The Austronesian Comparative Dictionary

*mana₂ power in natural phenomena; thunder, storm wind

POC mana₂ power in natural phenomena; thunder, storm wind

Hawaiian mana supernatural or divine power; give to, make powerful; have
Marshallese maņmaņ haunted; having supernatural powers; taboo
Woleaian kemal miracle, power; be powerful (as a ghost)
Chuukese man have divine, magical, or supernatural power (a quality of being, not a form of knowledge); be miraculous, magically powerful
Pohnpeian man take hold, stick, be effective
Mokilese man-man spiritually powerful, able to do magic without artifice; magic, spiritual power
Kosraean mʷenmʷen-I perform magic, cast a spell on
mʷenmʷen miracle, magic; magical
Nukuoro mana supernatural power
Takuu mana crisp sounding thunder (as in an electrical storm)
Varisi mana power; good fortune, success
Roviana mana potent, effectual
ta-mana-i blessed
Eddystone/Mandegusu mana powerful, potent, effective; gracious; true; come to pass; to grant, be favorable; power
Sikaiana mana thunder
Bugotu mana-ŋi to empower
mana spiritual or magical power, enchantment, power, ability
Lau ma-mana-ŋa fertility
ma-mana-la truly, really
ma-mana efficacious (of medicine), spiritually or magically powerful; grow well, of trees; good, of news; be prosperous, lucky, in good health; be true, come true, be fulfilled; to impart spiritual or magical power
Tuvaluan ma-mana possessed of ; powerful; authority
mana magical power (of person, potion, etc.); thunder; Holy Spirit
Nggela mana worthy, fit, suitable, sufficient; efficacious from spiritual power, obtained from charms, prayers, intercourse with (souls of the dead) or (a spirit of the weather, fertility, and natural forces – usually female)
'Āre'āre na-nama strong, powerful, in a metaphysical sense; something extraordinary, effected by a spiritual power
Bwaidoga/Bwaidoka mala wind, weather, time of day (often with a notion of a supernatural force that manifests itself in the weather)
Sa'a na-nama to be powerful, to exercise force … Ulawa speaks of ghosts as being ‘spiritually powerful’
na-nama-ŋa power, force(?)
Dobuan mana sinabwana storm (‘big wind’)
Arosi mana ghostly power (in a few phrases)
Saliba mana wind
Tubetube mana kaliyate day wind ( = ‘day’)
Suau mana wind
Panayati mana wind
Misima mana wind
Anuta mana power; almighty
Rennellese mana to thunder (poetic)
Tikopia mana thunder
Mota mana an invisible spiritual force or influence; to influence, work upon with ; to have ; a charm, sung with , to pass it
Samoan mana supernatural power
ma-mana be powerful, compelling; be all-powerful, almighty
Futunan mana thunder, thunderbolt
Wayan mana be able to make things happen, be effective, have creative power; come true, happen, be realized, come about, be effected; power to make things happen, creative power, effectiveness
caka-mana something done by magic or supernatural force; a miracle, magic
Fijian mana supernatural power; a sign, an omen, a token; possessing supernatural qualities
mana-ta to be affected by, of a disease
Niue mana power; authority (supernatural); miracle; powerful
Tongan mana supernatural; superhuman; miraculous; attended or accompanied by supernatural or apparently supernatural happenings; to thunder
Rarotongan mana power, might, authority, influence, sanctification, infused with magic, potency, control, prestige; effectual, binding, authoritative; having influence or power
Maori mana authority; control; influence, prestige, power; psychic force; effectual, binding, authoritative; having influence or power; be effectual, take effect; be avenged
whaka-mana give effect to; give prestige to; make effective, rectify

POC mana-mana to have spiritual power

Carolinian lemelem ~ nemenem be in authority, be responsible, have power or control
Satawal manaman typhoon
Puluwat manaman divine, supernatural, or miraculous power; to have such
Chuukese manaman divine, magical, or supernatural power (as distinct from knowledge); have divine, magical, or supernatural power
Pohnpeian manaman magical, mysterious, spiritual; official; magic, mysterious or spiritual power; miracle; authority
Wayan mana-mana be wishful, desire or wish something to happen that one has worked for, predicted, etc.
Rarotongan mana-mana powerful, having great power, might; having extensive authority or influence or prestige; to be possesses of great magical powers, etc.