The Austronesian Comparative Dictionary

*pisaw kind of knife or machete

PMP pisaw kind of knife or machete

Ilokano pisáw kind of (large machete-like knife; bolo)
Tagalog písaw a long, thin, narrow kind of bolo
Mapun písaw a handmade knife with a metal handle
Tausug písaw a small knife (esp. used in preparing a betel nut chew)
Toba Batak piso knife, short sword
Karo Batak piso a knife, esp. used of luxury knives
Malay písaw knife (the term includes 1. table knives, 2. clasp knives, 3. razors, 4. knives for Malay wood carving, and 5. jungle knives
Dampelas piso machete
Mongondow pitow machete or bolo that a Mongondow man always keeps by his side when travelling
Balaesang piso machete
Tae' piso knife
Javanese piso table knife
Tabar viso bamboo
Bola viso knife
Lakalai la-viso knife