The Austronesian Comparative Dictionary

*bukbuk₃ weevil that infests wood, bamboo, and rice; dust produced by the boring of this insect; tooth decay, dental caries

PMP bukbuk₃ weevil that infests wood, bamboo, and rice; dust produced by the boring of this insect; tooth decay, dental caries

Isneg buʔbúʔ weevil; dental caries
Itawis húhuk that which is slowly eaten away; dental caries, tooth decay
Bontok bukbúk kind of small, black insect, found in old preserved meat or dried lumps of water buffalo feces
Ifugaw bukbúk wood worms (as in house posts)
buʔbúʔ for termites, weevils, etc. to extensively destroy something, as corn, rice, wood
Ifugaw (Batad) buʔbúʔ for termites, weevils, etc. to extensively destroy something, as corn, rice, wood
Casiguran Dumagat bukbúk weevil, wood-borer, wood tick; to decay (of wood or teeth)
Ilokano bokbók larva of the grain beetle; wood worm, wood borer
Kapampangan bukbúk wood-boring insect
Tagalog bukbók boll weevil (said of plants and grains); wood borer, wood tick; decay (teeth)
Chamorro poppo scum, powder substance from a decayed plant; dropping -- termites, dirty substance on top of liquid such as dust, or soot. Not fungus
Hanunóo bukbúk a common wood-boring insect or bamboo weevil; a powder-post beetle
Aklanon búkbuk bamboo gnat; powder or dust left by boring of insects
Agutaynen boʔbok small insects that eat wood or bamboo; woodborer; small weevils that bore into dried beans
Hiligaynon mag-búkbuk crush, grind, make into powder
búkbuk weevil
Cebuano b-ag-ukbuk kind of weevil that eats lumber and secretes round and very fine waste matter
b-al-ukbúk pound something into fine particles or powder
Binukid bukbuk kind of weevil; to sprinkle, scatter a fine or powdery substance on something or over an area
Maranao bobok face powder; weevil
Manobo (Western Bukidnon) bukbuk wood weevil; spread any powdery substance on something
Mansaka bokbok wood-boring insect; be eaten by wood-borers
Tiruray bubuk rice husk; road dust
Kiput busuəʔ weevil in rice or wood
Iban bubok small beetle, unid. whose larvae bore into wood, (also?) a big black beetle that burrows in soft wood, unid.
Malay bubok beras rice weevil
ber-isi bubok full of maggots, as a rotting tree
bubok weevil
bubok kayu wood weevil
Mongondow bubuk small beetle that bores through materials and can cause serious damage in wood, rice and maize
Tae' buʔbuk wood worm that attacks wood, bamboo, corn cobs, unhusked rice; the powder that falls out of wood, etc. that is attacked by this insect
Mandar buʔbuʔ wood louse, termite (stays inside a log and consumes it from within)
Makassarese buʔbuʔ wood worm; the powder or dust that falls out of wood or bamboo being eaten by this insect
a-buʔbuʔ toss sand over oneself, bathe in the sand, of birds
Sundanese bubuk boring insect in bamboo, wood, rice, etc. that eats out the insides and causes decay; it is found in the powdery substance that it produces by boring; moth (in clothes); powder, the particulate matter which the leaves as a residue of its activity; grit, crumbs, stone dust; turn to powder, become worm-eaten, turned to grit, pulverized (as a door that is knocked to pieces, a boat that is stranded on a beach, the body of a person who is crushed, etc.
Old Javanese bubuk kind of termite
Javanese bubuk powdered (substance); a termite-like worm; a girl that nobody wants to marry
kopi bubuk powdered coffee
Balinese bubuk weevil, grub (in wood); powder, dust from sawn wood or bamboo; the pith of bamboo
Sasak bubuk small beetle in wood or maize; other beetles in dry material; ground coffee
Malagasy áfa-bóvoka dishonored
vóvoka dust; worm-eaten
Bikol bukbók small brown insects which bore into wood or infest rice; wood borer, wood tick, weevil
Buruese fufuk decompose, disintegrate (as wood into particles)
Asilulu huhu be full of wood mites (as planks)
Tetun fuhuk weevil which eats grain; wormy, weevily
Rotinese pela fufuk worm-eaten maize
fufuk rice worm, wood worm; mouldering
Wetan wuwa rice-beetle, weevil
Buli pupi sago meal, raw sago, sago tree
pupi lolo the insides, pith of a sago tree

POC pupuk₂ insect that infests wood and bamboo; dust produced by the boring of this insect

Hawaiian huhu a wood-boring insect; worm-eaten, rotten
Gedaged fuf a wood borer, beetle, worm; the refuse (dust) of the wood borer
Lakalai vuvu wasp and wasp-like insects
Cheke Holo fufu bamboo-borer; be worm-eaten
Lau fufu mason wasp
Tuvaluan pupu rotten (of dried coconuts, tree trunk, etc.)
Nggela vuvu-liva toothache
vuvu a worm that bores into wood
'Āre'āre huhu dry, powdery, of powdered substance such as
Motu bubu hymen; an insect like a wild bee that destroys timber
Maori huhu larva of the beetle Prionoplus reticularis, found in decayed timber

PWMP maŋ-bukbuk crush to powder

Isneg am-muʔbuʔ a spirit who causes dental caries
Javanese mubuk crush to a powder
Malagasy ma-móvoka to raise a dust, cover or sprinkle with dust

PPh b<in>ukbuk worm-eaten

Isneg b-in-uʔbúʔ worm-eaten
Ilokano b-in-okbók worm-eaten, with one or more cavities or decayed spots; affected with necrosis, with caries (said of wood, grain, teeth, etc.)
Mongondow toʔigu b-in-ubuk worm-eaten maize

PMP bukbuk-an attacked by wood worms

Tae' buʔbuk-an attacked by wood worms
Makassarese buʔbuk-an infested with wood worms, decayed
Javanese bubuk-an in powdered form
Nggela vuvug-a infested by the borer worm

PWMP bukbuk-en infested with wood-boring insects

Hiligaynon bukbuk-un crush, grind, make into powder
Binukid bukbuk-en for grain, wood, bamboo, etc. to be infested with weevils
Javanese bubuk-en eaten away by wood worms; girl who is not wanted as a marriage partner
Malagasy vovóh-ina rotten, worm-eaten (used only of wood)
Bikol bukbók-on infested with small brown insects which bore into wood or infest rice

PPh ma-bukbuk infested with wood-boring insects

Ifugaw ma-buʔbúʔ for something (as corn, rice, wood) to be extensively destroyed by termites, weevils, etc.
Ifugaw (Batad) ma-buʔbúʔ for something (as corn, rice, wood) to be extensively destroyed by termites, weevils, etc.
Kapampangan ma-bukbúk infested with wood-boring insects
Bikol ma-bukbók be eaten or infested with small brown insects