The Austronesian Comparative Dictionary

*panaq throw something at a target; shoot with bow and arrow

PAN panaq throw something at a target; shoot with bow and arrow

Kavalan pani bow (for shooting)
Thao malhim-panaq fight in war; throw something at a target
ma-panaq fight with each other
panaq throw something at an object to hit it, as in throwing a stone at a target; shoot with a weapon
Pazeh pa-pana shoot with a bow; throw at (with a stone)
Bunun panaq shoot with a bow and arrow
Tsou pono shoot with a bow
Amis panaʔ bow for shooting arrows
Puyuma panaʔ arrow; shoot an arrow
panaH shoot with a bow
Puyuma (Tamalakaw) panaH shoot with a bow
Paiwan panaq arrow
Proto-Rukai pana shoot (with arrows)
Bunun (Takituduh) panaq shoot with a bow and arrow
Itbayaten pana arrow, bow
Isneg pána arrow
Ifugaw pána bow and arrow. Practically, it is only used by boys … it is hardly longer than one meter; its cord is mostly a string of rattan; its arrow is merely a straight, thin stick.
Casiguran Dumagat paná arrow (of which there are several types); shoot an arrow
Pangasinan ma-maná shoot an arrow
paná arrow
Ilokano pána arrow
Kapampangan pana bow and arrow; shoot with bow and arrow
Tagalog pánaʔ arrow
Buhid ag-fána to shoot
Tboli hanak arrow with small metal point
Aklanon panáʔ bow and arrow; shoot with bow and arrow
Agutaynen panak an arrow (this can refer to both the bow and the arrow)
Hiligaynon panáʔ arrow, bow
Cebuano pánaʔ arrow, spear projected; shoot an arrow, to spear
Maranao panaʔ bow; shoot with arrow
Manobo (Western Bukidnon) panaʔ bow and arrow; shoot with bow and arrow
Maguindanao pána to shoot
Tiruray fanaʔ shoot an arrow with a bow
Kadazan Dusun ma-mana shoot with a bow
pana bow
Karo Batak panah bow (no longer used in warfare)
Malay panah archery; bow; arrow
ibu panah bow (lit. ‘mother of shooting’)
panah-memanah archery
anak panah arrow (lit. ‘child of shooting’)
Nias fana bow, weapon
Bare'e mata mpana arrow
pana bow, formerly a weapon of the Toraja people and in more recent times still hung up in the blacksmith’s workshop as an example of the weapons and tools made there
mo-pana use a bow
Tae' pana bow
Wolio ana-na pana arrow (lit. ‘child of bow’)
pana bow, weapon
Muna pana bow (not used on Muna)
Makassarese pana bow and arrow
pa-pana shoot with (something)
ammana shoot with bow and arrow
Popalia pana to shoot
Sundanese panah arrow and bow; shoot with bow and arrow
Old Javanese panah arrow; bow; bowman
Balinese panah arrow
panah-panah-an a children’s game with bows and arrows
Sasak panaʔ arrow, bow
Bikol pánaʔ bow and arrow; archery
Watubela fana-fanak arrow
Kola -fan to shoot
Kei fan shoot with bow and arrow
Rembong pana bow and arrow; shoot with bow and arrow
Manggarai pana bow (not used by Manggarai)
Tetun hana to fire or shoot an arrow
Kambera pana bow; shoot with bow and arrow
Minyaifuin -fan to shoot
Mayá ꞌfa¹²n shoot with bow and arrow
Biga fan to shoot
Waropen ana shoot an arrow
Hawaiian pana ʻiole to shoot rats or mice with bow and arrow, an ancient sport; bow and arrow
pana to shoot, as marbles, arrows, bow; bow and arrows...
Gilbertese bana a sling; hurl with sling and stone, pelt with stones
Sobei -fan to shoot
Tarpia -pan to shoot
Nehan wan shoot
Selau wana shoot with bow and arrow
Halia hana to shoot
Petats hana to shoot an arrow
Sio a-pane to shoot
Ririo van to shoot, throw
Mono-Alu fana aim at with bow; fa-fana go to kill birds or fish with bow and arrow
Lau fana shoot with bow and arrow; shoot at
Kwaio fana hunt; shoot at with bow and arrow
Nggela vana-hi shoot with bow and arrow
vana shoot with bow and arrow; shoot with a gun (modern)
Sa'a hana shoot with a bow, shoot with a gun
Arosi hana shoot
Anuta pana any implement which discharges projectiles
Rennellese hana shoot, as arrow, spear gun, gun, rocket, slingshot
Rotuman fana shoot with bow or gun
Samoan fana shoot; gun, rifle
Lonwolwol fεn shoot with bow and arrow
Fijian vana shoot with an arrow or a gun; to pierce
Niue fana bow; gun; arrow
Tongan fana shoot (e.g. birds); to dynamite (fish)

PAN p<in>anaq shoot with a bow

Thao p<in>anaq was thrown at, was hit by something thrown
Paiwan p<n>anaq to shoot, using bow and arrow

PAN p<um>anaq shoot with a bow

Kavalan p-m-ani shoot with an arrow
Pazeh mu-pana throw at, to hit (as when throwing a stone at a dog to drive it away)
Bunun manaq shoot with bow and arrow
Kanakanabu mu-a-panaʔə shoot with a bow

PWMP ma-manaq shoot an arrow

Itbayaten ma-mana catch fish with spear gun
Malay me-manah shoot an arrow
Nias ma-mana shoot an arrow
Ngaju Dayak ma-manah shoot with a bow
Sasak -manaʔ shoot with bow and arrow