The Austronesian Comparative Dictionary

*laqia ginger

PMP laqia ginger

Isneg layá ginger
Agta (Central Cagayan) layá ginger, Zingiber officinale
Itawis layá ginger
Agta (Dupaningan) layá ginger, Zingiber officinale
Bontok láya ginger, Zingiber officinale Rosc.
Ifugaw lāya ginger (grows chiefly in upland fields); ginger root, i.e. the rhizone (used chiefly as a food condiment, and sometimes as a side dish)
láya ginger, Zingiber officinale Roscoe. This is extensively cultivated by the Ifugaw; the root only is eaten by them, sliced and boiled in water
Kankanaey layá ginger
Ifugaw (Batad) lāya ginger (grows chiefly in upland fields); ginger root, i.e. the rhizone (used chiefly as a food condiment, and sometimes as a side dish)
Casiguran Dumagat layá ginger, Zingiber officinale (a spice used to flavor viands)
Ilokano layá ginger, Zingiber officinale, used in native medicine to cure rheumatism, wounds, cough and stomach ache
Kapampangan láya ginger
Jarai rəya ginger
Tboli leʔiye ginger, Zingiber officinale
Tombonuwo layo ginger
Kadazan Dusun hazo ginger
Ida'an Begak ləjo ginger
Narum ləjiəh ginger
Lun Dayeh liəh ginger
Kiput ləcih ginger
Berawan (Long Terawan) ləjəh ginger
Bintulu ləza ginger
Kenyah (Long Anap) lia ginger
Abai Sembuak layo ginger
Kenyah ləzó ginger
lia ginger
Kelabit lieh a small variety of ginger: with ‘a large variety of ginger: Alpinia galanga’
Kenyah (Òma Lóngh) ləzó ginger
Sangir lia ginger, used as a spice with food, and as an ingredient in most medicines, charms and spells, where it is chewed with sirih leaves and then sprayed from the mouth onto the afflicted part
Iban liaʔ ginger, plant or rhizome of Zingiber officinale
Gaai aljoʔ ginger
Malay halia ginger, Zingiber officinale; used as a drug and as a flavoring for curries
Wahau jəʔ ginger
Singhi Land Dayak roiʔi ginger
Basap lia ginger
Tontemboan lia Spanish pepper
lia tanaʔ ginger
Woq Helaq Modang ləjao̯ʔ ginger
Mei Lan Modang ləjao̯ʔ ginger
Tialo loía ginger
Balaesang láia ginger
Bare'e leʔia ginger
Tae' laya panaʔ kind of ginger that has a sharper taste than others
laia ~ laya kind of ginger which has a somewhat musty odor when the main root is very large
Murik liaʔ ginger
Muna loghia ŋkadea red ginger
loghia ŋkapute white ginger
loghia ginger
Makassarese niaʔ laiana (‘he sits in ginger’) = ‘He is of noble descent’
laia ginger, Zingiber officinale
Bikol láʔya ginger
Long Gelat Modang ləjao̯ʔ ginger
Kelai jɛʔ ginger
Miri ləjeh ginger
Kei leii ginger, Zingiber officinale; people give pieces of ginger to the dogs to make them more spirited in hunting
Erai lia ginger
Leti lia ginger
Lamaholot lia ginger, Zingiber officinale
Rembong rea ginger, Zingiber officinale
Manggarai lia ginger, Zingiber officinale
Bimanese rea ginger, Zingiber officinale
Sika lea kind of ginger
Ngadha lea ginger; kind of vegetable used as a remedy
Kambera wai layia ginger water, infusion of ginger used as a stimulant
layia ginger
Rotinese lia ginger; spew with (chewed) ginger to make more effective, as a dog to make it bite, a cat to make it a more ferocious mouser, or a net to make it catch more fish
Wetan lia ginger
Kowiai/Koiwai raʔia ginger
Mussau laia ginger
Sori lei ginger
Kuruti liy ginger
Ahus liy ginger
Drehet lip ginger
Lindrou ley ginger
Penchal lai ginger
Lou lei ginger
Kairiru lei ginger
Tanga lae ginger, Zingiber officinale
Nehan laia plant species, family Zingiberaceae; several types
Lakalai la lahia cultivated ginger (Zingiber sp.); by extension, a warrior
Gitua laea kind of edible ginger, flower like Phameria magnifica
Numbami lai ginger
Toqabaqita la-laia ginger
Kwaio lia ginger
'Āre'āre ria a ginger with perfumed roots, used as a medicine by witch doctors; there are several varieties for different diseases
ria ni marutana a ginger used to enlist the affections of women
Sa'a lie ginger, called , tree given to women to eat (to enlist their affections); used in malevolent magic it causes boils when put down on a man’s path for him to pass over
Wedau naia ginger
Arosi ria ginger, much used in charms
Fijian caŋo laya ginger ( = ‘turmeric’)
Wuvulu laia ginger