The Austronesian Comparative Dictionary

*laŋiC sky

PAN laŋiC sky

Saaroa laŋica sky
Puyuma ɭaŋiT sky
Merap laŋayc sky

PMP laŋit sky

Itbayaten xañit heaven, sky
Isneg láŋit heavens, sky
i-láŋit spirits of the sky (usually favorable to reapers; when they want to possess a shaman they use a bridge or ladder to come down)
Agta (Central Cagayan) láŋet sky
Itawis láŋit sky
Ibanag láŋiʔ sky
Agta (Dupaningan) láŋet sky
Ifugaw lāŋit heaven
laŋít heaven, skyworld; currently used by the Ifugaw, but borrowed from Ilokano or other languages
Ifugaw (Batad) lāŋit heaven
Gaddang láŋit sky
Ibaloy daŋit heaven
Casiguran Dumagat laŋet sky, heaven (thought of as a huge, round, blue dome which is cupped over the earth)
Ilokano i-láŋit to raise to the sky, lift up toward heaven
maŋ-láŋit to daydream
láŋit sky, heaven
Sambal láŋit sky
Sambal (Botolan) láŋit sky
Umiray Dumaget laŋot sky
Tagalog taga-láŋit heavenly; of or in heaven
láŋit sky
Jarai ŋit sky
Chamorro laŋet heaven, sky, outer space
Hanunóo láŋit sky, heavens
Masbatenyo láŋit sky, heaven, firmament, atmosphere
Roglai (Northern) laŋiʔ sky
Tboli loŋit sky, heaven
Aklanon eáŋit sky, heaven
ka-eaŋít-an the heavens; Heaven
Waray-Waray láŋit sky, space, heaven; eternity
Hiligaynon láŋit heaven, sky, outer space
Palawan Batak laŋít sky, heavens
Cebuano láŋit heaven, sky; joy, happiness
Binukid laŋit sky, heaven
Molbog laŋit sky
Maranao laŋit sky, heaven
Manobo (Tigwa) laŋit sky
Palauan yáŋd sky; weather
Mansaka laŋit heaven, sky
Yakan laŋit sky
Tombonuwo laŋit sky
Mapun laŋit the sky
Ida'an Begak laŋit sky
Tausug laŋit the sky
Gayō laŋit sky
Lun Dayeh (Long Semado) laŋit sky
Lun Dayeh laŋit sky, heaven
laŋit sky
Bintulu laŋit sky
Kenyah (Long Anap) laŋit sky
Kenyah laŋit sky
Kelabit laŋit sky
Kejaman laŋit sky
Lahanan laŋit sky
Melanau (Mukah) laŋit sky
Toba Batak laŋit dome of heaven, sky
Karo Batak laŋit sky
Iban laŋit sky, heavens; the Heavens, as distinct from Earth; World of the Dead, and the land of the serpent deities…The hornbill, , represents the (shaman), of whom the chief is or , living in the seventh heaven
Malay laŋit sky
le-laŋit palate
Tonsea daŋit sky
Tontemboan laŋit sky, atmosphere
Tonsawang laŋic sky
Nias laŋi atmosphere, sky
Kayan laŋit sky
Petapa Taje laŋiti sky
Mentawai laŋit red sky of morning and evening
Ngaju Dayak laŋit sky; vault of heaven
la-laŋit the ceiling of a room
Uma laŋiʔ sky
Mori Atas laŋi sky
Tae' randan laŋiʔ horizon
laŋiʔ sky, heaven
Murik laŋit sky
Moronene laŋi sky
Muna lani sky
Makassarese laŋiʔ sky, firmament
Lampung laŋiʔ sky
Popalia laŋi sky
Sundanese laŋit tujuh the seven heavens
laŋit sky, atmosphere, firmament
la-laŋit canopy; palate
Old Javanese laŋit sky, firmament
Javanese laŋit-an ceiling; canopy; palate
laŋit sky; ceiling; facial expression
Bahasa Indonesia me-laŋit to go “sky high” (of prices)
Bonerate laŋi sky
Balinese laŋit sky, heavens, air
Sasak laŋit sky
Bikol ka-laŋít-an the heavens
Malagasy lánitra sky, heaven
Bikol láŋit sky, heavens
laŋít-non heavenly, celestial
Soboyo laŋi sky
Nuaulu nant-e sky
Alune lanite sky
Kayeli laŋit sky
Kamarian lanit sky
Bobot lakit sky
Buruese laŋit sky
Hitu lanit sky
Asilulu lanit sky
Laha lanita sky
Amblau lanire sky
Ujir laŋit sky
Yamdena laŋit sky, heaven
laŋit sepan horizon
Luang lianti sky
Leti lianti sky
Bimanese laŋi sky; canopy of a stage
Galoli lanit sky
Waiyewa laŋita sky
Lamboya laŋta sky
Wetan lianti sky
Buli laŋit sky, heaven
Gimán laŋit sky
As lanit sky
Ron ranek sky
Dusner ranet sky
Irarutu raŋgət sky
Kowiai/Koiwai raŋgit sky
Hawaiian lani sky, heaven; heavenly, spiritual; very high chief, majesty; royal, exalted, high born, aristocratic
hoʔo-lani to treat one as a chief; to act as a chief; to enjoy the position and prestige of a high chief
Marshallese lañ sky; weather; heaven
Woleaian laŋ sky; typhoon, rain-storm, wind; be struck by a typhoon; compass
Puluwat láŋ rain; sky
láŋi-láŋ rain with symbolic portent, as of a canoe coming, death, birth, bad weather; to have portent, of rain
Chuukese nááŋ heaven, sky (early German sources report that it has several tiers or levels, of which five were named by distinct terms)
Pohnpeian laŋi-laŋi-h honorific: to give a title, to crown; to wear a garland
lahŋ sky, heaven; bad weather
Mokilese loaŋ sky
Kosraean lucŋ sky, heaven
Nukuoro laŋi haanau a certain kind of rain
laŋi rain; heaven, sky
Kapingamarangi laŋi sky
Gilbertese te naŋ a cloud; fig. hindrance, annoyance, obstacle, worry
naŋi-naŋ with a few clouds, cloudy
Lele yaŋ sky
Loniu laŋ sky
Kele laŋi sky
Nali yaŋ sky
Ere laŋ sky
Titan kole-laŋ sky (‘place of light’)
laŋ light
Tigak laŋit rain
Tabar raŋiti sky
Wogeo laŋ sky
Manam laŋ sky
Duke of York laŋit sky, heavens
Nehan laŋit sky
Vitu laŋi sky
Takuu lani sky; weather
Haku i-laŋits sky
Halia laŋits rain
Luangiua laŋi sky
Lakalai la lagi sky
Piva nanitsi sky
Uruava ranisi sky
Varisi rani sky
Patep lag sky
Mono-Alu laiti rain
Eddystone/Mandegusu laŋite sky
Sikaiana lani sky
Sa'a läŋi-leŋi-ʔe aloft, lifted up; tall and strong, of a person
i-leŋi sky, heaven
haʔa-laŋi a house on piles
läŋi up
Motu lai breeze, wind
Talise laŋi rain
Pileni laŋi day
Arosi raŋi to rain; rain
Anuta -raŋi heavens, sky
Rennellese haka-gaŋi to put up a flat ceiling
gaŋi sky, heaven
Rotuman lɔŋi sky, heaven; wind, air, weather
la ne lɔŋi horizon
Samoan laŋi sky, heaven; funeral ceremony
laŋi faʔatafa sickness of a high chief
laŋi-laŋi-ā be stormy
laŋi lelei (of the weather) be fine
faʔa-laŋi address or refer to someone by his ceremonial title
laŋi-ā be cloudy
Futunan laŋi sky; mythical residence of persons after their death
Merlav laŋ wind
Central Maewo tae-laŋi sky
Mafea tai-laŋi sky
Raga laŋi wind
Araki laŋi wind
Lingarak ne-laŋ cloud
Avava a-laŋ sky
Makatea raŋi sky
Wayan laŋi sky, atmosphere
Fijian vū ni laŋi as though one who comes from the horizon
laŋi-laŋi beautiful, magnificent, glorious
lomā-laŋi the sky, heaven (lit. ‘inside of sky’)
Niue laŋi sky, heaven; thunder; head, hair
Tongan lāŋi-laŋi splendor, glory, honor
laŋi-laŋi havili to look as if it is going to be windy
laŋi sky, heaven; eyes, face, mouth, ears, or head (of king or queen)
Rarotongan raŋi myth: the ethereal space, the not-earth region; sky, firmament (this definition was a meaning quite unknown to the ancient people); the sky sphere; supreme in authority, a crown, supremacy, the paramount high chief, highest authority or power, etc.; an emblem of arikiship worn on the head of chiefs
Rapanui raŋi sky
Maori raŋi sky; heaven, upper regions, abode of supernatural beings; weather; day, period of time; chief, generally in the form of respectful address: ‘sir’
Nakanamanga na-laŋi wind
Namakir na-laŋ wind
Arop laŋ sky
Cape Cumberland lani wind
Peterara laŋi sky

PWMP laŋit laŋit palate; canopy

Ilokano láŋit-láŋit canopy
Tagalog láŋit-láŋit pallium; canopy; vault roofing
Cebuano láŋit-láŋit egg white; canopy of an altar or bed
Mapun laŋit-laŋit a cloth or drapery used to decorate the ceiling of a house during a celebration
Simalur laŋiʔ-laŋiʔ canopy
Toba Batak laŋit-laŋit canopy
laŋit-laŋit ni dila palate
Karo Batak laŋit-laŋit canopy; palate
Malay laŋit-laŋit ceiling cloth put up at weddings and other great festivities; canopy on posts over a grave in honor of the dead; palate
Nias laŋi-laŋi material for making clothing
Wolio laŋi-laŋi canopy; palate
Makassarese laŋiʔ-laŋiʔ palate
Old Javanese laŋit-laŋit canopy
Balinese laŋit-laŋit palate, roof of the mouth; the ceiling or roof-ridge of a house or
Sasak laŋit-laŋit canopy, as over a bed