The Austronesian Comparative Dictionary

*teRas heartwood of a tree, hard, durable core of wood; ironwood tree

PMP teRas heartwood of a tree, hard, durable core of wood; ironwood tree

Itawis na-tággat hard, firm
tággat hardness; tree
Ibanag na-teggaʔ hard
Tagalog t<um>igás to harden; to become hard; to set; to become fixed; to become firm or hard; to stiffen; to become stiff
tigás hardness; rigidity; firmness; resistance; stiffness; tautness; inflexibility; being hard, firm or unyielding; resolution; the power of holding firmly to a purpose
ma-nigás to become hard, referring to parts of the body such as jaws, arms, legs, etc.; to be or become petrified; to become paralyzed with fear, horror, or surprise
Cebuano tugás , kind of wood producing extremely hard timber: Vitex parviflora; make something out of
Binukid tegas tree (which has extremely hard wood)
Maranao tegas harden, solidify; salt obtained from boiling and evaporation; tough; hard, white-grained wood
tegas-oʔ tough, hard-headed, self-willed
Manobo (Western Bukidnon) teǥas the tree or wood
Palauan dort ironwood tree: Intsia bijuga
Tombonuwo togas ironwood tree: Eusideroxylon zwageri
Bintulu tas hardwood tree, ironwood
Melanau (Mukah) taas hardwood tree, the ironwood
Toba Batak toras innermost wood of a tree, heartwood
Iban teras heartwood; (in Skrang and northern to lower Rejang river) ironwood
Malay təras heartwood (if hard) in a tree; hardwood timber
pə-təras arrogance
Tontemboan taʔas heartwood of trees
Mongondow poko-togat-on it must be made hard; it can’t be moved
Gorontalo poʔo-toheto-lo be strengthened, be made hard
toheto strong, hard
Kayan kayoʔ tahah the tree species; used for posts, making boards, etc.
Mori Bawah mo-tea hard
Rejang telas the center and hardest part of a tree trunk
tlas a hardwood timber, used for house piles and posts, the heart of a tree trunk, the hardest and strongest timber
Old Javanese a-twas hard
twas hardness; the hard core; core, heart (as part of the body and as seat of feelings)
Javanese a-tos hard, firm; tough; harsh; careful
ŋ-a-tos to make something hard
Proto-Minahasan tahas tree sp. (used for timber)
Malagasy teza something fixed firm, durability; the inside of a piece of wood, the outside of which is worm-eaten; a pillar in a house
Proto-Sangiric tiRas hard (of wood)
Buruese teha-t ironwood tree: Intsia bijuga
Kisar kerhe hard, strong
Leti terse hard
Manggarai teras hard, impossible to chew (as corn)
Tetun ulu-n tos rough, coarse, rude, stupid (‘hard head’)
tos hard, durable; stiff, difficult to open; subborn
Rotinese tea hard, strong, firm (said of wood, stone, steel, teeth, the heart, the will); the inner core of a tree, especially the lontar palm

POC toRas various hardwood trees; heartwood of a tree

Hawaiian koa the largest of native forest trees (Acacia koa), with light-gray bark, crescent-shaped leaves, and white flowers in small, round heads; a legume with fine, red wood, a valuable timber tree, formerly used for canoes, surfboards, calabashes, now for furniture and ukuleles. A small koa was sometimes added to the hula altar to Laka, goddess of the hula, to make the dancer fearless.
Seimat to a hardwood tree: Intsia bijuga (red inside)
Aua oa a hardwood tree: Intsia bijuga
Sori tow a hardwood tree: Intsia bijuga
Loniu dow a hardwood tree: Intsia bijuga
Nali drow a hardwood tree: Intsia bijuga
Ere drow a hardwood tree: Intsia bijuga
Penchal row a hardwood tree: Intsia bijuga (black inside)
Lou to a hardwood tree: Intsia bijuga
Arosi ora a species of tree from which the best canoes are made; a plank-built canoe
Anuta toa ironwood tree
Rennellese toa ironwood (none on Bellona, and on Rennell only on cliffs; in ancient times ceremonial paddles were placed at the bases of cliffs, and with proper incantations branches were said to have fallen down); reddish, finely-branching coral on the sea bottom; when taken ashore turns black; named for the ironwood
Mota tora a timber tree
Samoan toa tree (Casuarina sp.), the ironwood tree and its timber
Futunan toa a tree: Casuarina equisetifolia L.
Fijian doa the heart wood of a tree, solid, and dark
Niue toa the ironwood tree: Casuarina equisetifolia
Tongan toa kind of tree with very hard wood: the casuarina or ironwood tree
Rarotongan toa the ironwood tree: Casuarina equisetifolia

PMP ma-teRas hard, solid

Gaddang ma-teggat hard
Tagalog ma-tigás hard; firm; not yielding to touch; iron; strong; stern; not yielding; firm; tough, leathery; rigid; not bending; stalwart; firm; steadfast; indomitable; unconquerable; hard; not pleasant; harsh; ugly; unbending
Binukid ma-tegas characterized by working hard, energetically, with vigor
Manobo (Western Bukidnon) me-teǥas descriptive of a person who can endure torture or discomfort
Toba Batak na-toras elders
ma-noras-i fire a pot to harden it
ma-toras ripe, old; dark, of a color
Mongondow mo-togat hard, become hard
Mori Bawah mo-tea hard
Mandar aju ma-teras strong, hard (wood)
ma-teras strong (as a person who is physically strong)
Malagasy ma-teza durable, permanent, lasting
Tolaki (Mekongga) mo-toha hard

POC ma-toRas hard, solid

Marshallese majewjew firm; strong; solid
Gilbertese matoa firmness, solidity, hardness, resistance
ka-matoa-toa to strengthen, fortify, make resistant