The Austronesian Comparative Dictionary

*tasik sea, saltwater

PMP tasik sea, saltwater

Tagalog tásik saltwater filtered through sand in the process of salt-making; brine; very salty water
Chamorro tasi sea, ocean, beach
Rhade kəsiʔ sea, ocean
Masbatenyo tásik salted fish (fish which has been preserved with salt)
Roglai (Northern) tasiʔ sea
Aklanon tásik brine, salty water
Waray-Waray tasik broth of rice porridge
ma-tasik full of broth; filled with broth
Cebuano tásik the liquid residue of sea water that has been crystallized in salt making; liquid residue after milling sugar
Yakan mag-tahik-tahik to be used to doing something on/in/at the sea (as traveling by boat, fishing, swimming, looking for shellfish, etc.)
tahik sea; ocean; sea water
Malay tasek lake
Totoli sasik sea
Murung tasik sea, ocean
Petapa Taje tasi sea
tasik sea
Ngaju Dayak ma-nasik go to sea
Kapuas tasik sea, ocean
Ngaju Dayak tasik sea, ocean
Bare'e wawo n-tasi surface of the sea
oru n-tasi bottom of the sea
mbo-tasi to smell or taste like seawater
puse n-tasi the middle point of the sea, where
tasi sea, saltwater
tasi raya inland sea, bay with narrow entrance
wiwi n-tasi seashore; beach
Uma tahiʔ sea
Paku tasik sea
Dusun Deyah tasik sea, ocean
Ma'anyan tahik sea, ocean
Mori Atas tahi sea
Tae' tasik sea
tasik mapuluʔ the safe sea, where no catastrophes occur (lit. ‘sea of glue’)
Padoe tahi sea
Koroni tahi sea
Bungku tahi sea
Mandar sasiʔ sea
mo-sasiʔ go to the sea, seek one’s livelihood at sea
po-sasiʔ sailor, one who makes his life at sea
Buginese tasiʔ sea (poetic)
pat-tasiʔ sailor
Moronene tahi sea; salt
Wolio tasi water which has been used for cooking rice, left to stand for a few days, and then used for stiffening weaving yarn
Muna tehi sea
Makassarese tasiʔ sea
Old Javanese maka-tasik having as sea, surrounded by sea
Madurese taseʔ sea
Old Javanese tasik sea
Javanese tasik sea, ocean
Bonerate tai sea
Balinese tasik salt; sea, ocean (in court and literary language)
tasik-in to be made salty
Proto-Chamic tasiʔ sea, ocean
Bikol tasík-on to preserve something by salting
Proto-Sangiric tasik sea, saltwater
Bikol tásik brine, concentrated saltwater solution; a salt pond
Proto-Minahasan tasik sea
Wahai tasi salt
Batu Merah tasi salt
Kamarian tasi salt
Hitu tasi salt
Saparua tasi salt
W.Tarangan tai sea
W.Tarangan (Ngaibor) tai sea
Yamdena tasik salt water; sea
Selaru r-tasi to salt
tasi sea, saltwater
tasi-si salt
Leti taski salt water; sea
Adonara tahik sea
Palu'e tahi sea
Lamaholot tahik sea, saltwater
Rembong tasik sea
Manggarai tacik sea
Galoli tasi sea
Sika tahi sea, saltwater
Tetun tasi sea, ocean
Mambai taisa sea
Vaikenu tasi sea
Atoni tasi sea
Kambera tehiku míni ‘male’ sea: shoreline that is not dry even in ebbtide, where a river exits into the sea
tehiku sea
tehiku kawini ‘female’ sea: area on both sides of a river’s debouchment into the sea, that is dry at ebbtide
wai tehiku saltwater, seawater
Helong tasi sea
Hawu dahi sea
Rotinese tasi oe saltwater, seawater
tasi sea
Dhao/Ndao dasi sea
Moor ati saltwater
Hawaiian ma-kai on the sea side, toward the sea, in the direction of the sea
kai sea, sea water; area near the sea; current in the sea; insipid, brackish, tasteless
i kai towards the sea
Ulithian tade sea
Yapese daay saltwater, seawater; tide, flow of saltwater; tidal season
Marshallese lǫ-jet ocean, sea (lit. ‘in the sea/at sea’)
Woleaian sat sea, ocean (archaic)
Puluwat heti-n sea, ocean, tide; salt
háát sea, ocean, tide; salt
Chuukese sáát saltwater, sea; salted water; illness caused by sea spirits
seti-n saltwater, sea; salted water; illness caused by sea spirits
Pohnpeian se:d ocean, sea
Mokilese jed sea water; salt
Nukuoro dai lagoon; sea; salt
Kapingamarangi tai saltwater, salt; lagoon; sea; tide
Gilbertese te tari salt
tari-aki to salt, to be salted
tari sea, saltwater, seawater
Seimat tax sea (in combination)
Kaniet tasi sea
Aua ari saltwater, salt
Ponam has sea
Leipon ndas sea, saltwater
Sori dah saltwater, salt
Ahus has sea, saltwater
Andra dras sea, saltwater
Loniu tas sea, saltwater
Kele dras sea, saltwater
Nali dras sea, saltwater
Titan dras saltwater
Nauna təs saltwater, salt
Lenkau tres saltwater
Lou set sea, saltwater
Nalik ras sea
Mendak tas saltwater, salt
Sursurunga tas saltwater
Manam tari streaming, flood
Tanga tes saltwater
Label tāsi sea, saltwater
Takuu tai sea, tide, sea water
Bali (Uneapa) dariki sea
Haku tis sea
Selau tasi saltwater, salt
Petats tasi sea
Lusi tari sea
Kove tari sea
Piva tagisi sea
Banoni taghisi sea, saltwater, more a place than a liquid; more a liquid
Numbami tai saltwater, sea, ocean; salt
Zabana tahi sea
Kokota tahi sea
Cheke Holo ta-tahi taste salty
tahi ocean, sea; salt
Toqabaqita asi sea, ocean; sea water, saltwater; saltwater person (not a Toqabaqita person); salt
Bugotu tahi sea, saltwater, salt; a vessel for holding saltwater
Lau asi sea, saltwater
fafo-na asi surface of the sea
fafo-asi foothills (lit. ‘above the sea’)
Tuvaluan tai sea; tide
Kwaio asi sea, salt, sea water
Nggela tahi the sea; surf, a wave; salt
'Āre'āre āsi mauri the open sea (lit. ‘living sea’)
āsi mae the quiet sea in the lagoon (lit. ‘dead sea’)
āsi sea, saltwater
Ghari tasi sea
Sa'a äsi deu neap tide
äsi e honu high spring tide
äsi sea, saltwater; salt (late use); a month, January
Motu tadi seawater
Arosi asi sea, saltwater, salt
Anuta tai water covering the reef
Rennellese tai ocean, lake, salt water; seafood (poetic)
tai maaŋago brackish sea water, especially the Lake
Mota Tasmate a district of Mota to leeward where the sea is quiet or dead; generally the lee side of an island
tas sea, saltwater; the name of the lake at Gaua, so called because the water of it is not , simple water, but , brackish
Samoan tai tide; game or fish in season
i tai on the side towards the sea (as opposed to : on the side towards the land)
Futunan tai sea; tide
Tolomako tasi sea
Malmariv tasi sea
Lametin tas sea
Mafea tasi sea
Raga tahi sea; salt
Aore tas sea
Araki rasi sea; salt
rasi sea, saltwater
Sowa zas sea; salt
Atchin n-tas sea
n-tas sea; salt
n-tah salt
Leviamp na-ta sea
Axamb ne-ras salt
Maxbaxo nə ras sea
Bonkovia ti sea
Pwele na-tasi sea
Efate (South) na-tas sea
Wayan taci coast, seashore, sea, from the perspective of the land; be salty in taste; saltiness, salty taste
taci-taci be salty to the taste; have salt added, be salted; be a bit salty
wai taci sea, a body of sea-water; salt water
Fijian wai taci wai taci
taci the sea
Niue tahi the sea (more especially near the coast, as compared with , the open sea); the coast
Southwest Tanna tahik sea
Tongan tahi sea; sea-water; tide
Rarotongan tai the sea, sea or salt water; the coast or land bordering the sea, as opposed to , inland; tide; wave or waves, as of the sea
Rapanui tai sea
Maori tai-tai nunui spring tides
tai-tai ririki neap tides
tai the sea, generally antithetical to ; the coast, as opposed to , inland; tide; wave
tai-tai tide
Nakanamanga na tasi sea
Wuvulu ʔaxi saltwater, salt
Sesake na tas lolo salt
na tasi sea
Peterara tasi sea; salt
Sesivi tes sea
Nakanamanga tas-mena salt