The Austronesian Comparative Dictionary

*ita₁ we (incl.)

PAN ita₁ we (incl.)

Kavalan ita ~ a-ita we (incl.), nominative
Saisiyat ita we (incl.)
Atayal ita we (incl.)
Seediq ita we (incl.), emphatic form
Thao ita we (incl.), nominative
m-ita our, ours (incl.)
Pazeh ita we (incl.)
ita-an we (incl.), locative
Bunun ita we (incl.)
Saaroa ita ~ ilhata we (incl.)
Amis t-ita-anan to us (incl.)
Rukai ita we, us (incl.), topic pronoun
Rukai (Mantauran) ita we, us (incl.), topic pronoun
Puyuma ta- we, 1st person plural incl. nominative bound pronoun
Bunun (Takituduh) ita we (incl.)
Atta (Pamplona) s-itta we (dual incl.)
s-itta-m we (plural incl.)
Itawis ittá we (dual) nominative and long nominative pronoun
Balangaw d-ita-w we (plural incl.)
d-ita we (dual incl.)
Pangasinan we (dual) topic pronoun; form used when the preceding word ends in a consonant
Sambal (Botolan) h-ita we (dual incl.)
Sambal h-ita we (dual incl.)
Sambal (Botolan) h-ita-mo we (plural incl.)
Sambal h-ita-mo we (plural incl.)
Kalamian Tagbanwa ita we (plural incl.)
Subanen/Subanun ita we (plural incl.)
Palauan ŋid 1st person plural inclusive; us
Bisaya (Lotud) ito 1dl. incl., we two
Bisaya ito 1dl. incl., we two
Penan ita-m we (plural incl.)
Narum itah we (plural incl.)
Penan (Long Labid) ita-m we (plural incl.)
Sebop ita-m we (plural incl.)
Kayan (Uma Juman) ita-m we (plural incl.)
Toba Batak ita-bahen ~ ta-bahen we do
ita ~ ta we (plural incl.), with verbs
Bekatan tah 1pl. incl., we
Karo Batak ras ita the two of us together
ita we (plural incl.); same as , but more familiar/intimate
Nias ita 1st person pronoun, now used for the singular as an impolite gesture, but still normally used for the plural
Kayan ita-m we, us (incl.; many people – more than ten)
ita-m we (plural incl.)
itaʔ a collective, impersonal, 1st person pronoun, expressing humility; I, in association with others
Balaesang ita we (plural incl.)
Ngaju Dayak ita we (plural incl.)
Murik itaʔ we (plural incl.)
Muna inta-idi-imu we (plural incl.)
inta-idi we (dual incl.)
Sasak ita 1st person pronoun, now used for the singular as an impolite gesture, but still normally used for the plural
Onin ita 1pl. incl.
Boano₂ ite 1pl. incl., we
Alune ite we, us (incl.)
Kola s-ita 1pl., we (incl.)
Ujir t-ita we
West Damar it-ito we (incl./excl.)
Fordata ita we (plural incl.)
Erai ita we (plural incl.)
Luang itə we (incl.)
Adonara t-ite we (incl.)
Manggarai ite we, us (incl.); you (respect form)
Bimanese nda ta we, us (incl.)
Lamboya yita we (plural incl.)
Dhao/Ndao adi we (incl.)
Sawai itɛ 1pl., we
Minyaifuin it-ne 1pl. incl., we (incl.)
Arguni ite 1pl. incl., we
Ali yit we
Kairiru ta- we (plural incl.), subject prefix
Takia ta- we (plural incl.), subject prefix
Kaulong it we
Piva agha-ita we (incl.)
Yabem ta- we (plural incl.), subject prefix
Ririo z-ita we (incl.)
Gapapaiwa ta- we (plural incl.), subject prefix

PAN n-ita 1st pers. incl. genitive; our

Seediq n-ita our
Pazeh n-ita our, ours
Mamanwa n-ita 1st dual incl. genitive
Manipa ra- < *nta our

POC da₂ 1pl. incl. subject prefix and possessive suffix; we (incl.); our (incl.)

Lusi ta- 1pl. incl. subject
Gitua ta- 1pl. incl. subject
Bugotu -da suffixed pronoun of possession; 1pl. incl.; our
Nggela nda 1pl. incl.; ours
Rennellese taa inclusive (first person dual pronouns and possessives)
Samoan 1dl. incl. conjunct verbal pronoun; we (you and I); 1dl. incl. nominal pronoun; our (your and my)
Fijian da 1pl. incl., we
Tongan ta 1dl. incl; we
Proto-Micronesian -ca 1pl. incl. possessive pronoun; of us, our

PAN iten₃ we (incl.)

Paiwan tjanu-itjen us (incl.)
ti-tjen we (incl.), independent form
ni-tjen ours (incl.)

PWMP aten₃ we (incl.)

Yami y-aten we (incl.)
Yami (Imorod) y-aten we (incl.)
Itbayaten y-aten we (incl.)
yate-yate-ʔen we ourselves only
Tagalog átin our, ours, of us (incl.)
Inati yatin we (incl.)
Ida'an Begak n-aton 1st plural accusative; us (incl.)
Mongondow n-aton 1st plural incl.

PAN k-ita we (incl.)

Kavalan -kita ours (plural incl.), genitive (only in irrealis; perhaps a loan from Amis)
Amis kita we (plural incl.)
Agta (Central Cagayan) -kita we, you and I; first person dual inclusive enclitic pronoun
-kita-m we, first person plural inclusive nominative enclitic pronoun
Agta (Dupaningan) -kita-m we, first person plural inclusive nominative enclitic pronoun
-kita we, you and I; first person dual inclusive enclitic pronoun
Casiguran Dumagat kita-m we (plural incl.), topic pronoun
si-kita-m we (plural incl.), emphatic pronoun
si-kita we (dual incl.), emphatic pronoun
kita we (dual incl.), topic pronoun
Chamorro hita we, us (emphatic, inclusive)
Palawan Batak kita we (dual incl.)
kita-mi we (plural incl.)
Mamanwa kita we (plural incl.)
Maranao kita we (plural incl.)
Manobo (Western Bukidnon) si-kita 1st pers. dual emphatic pronoun
Manobo (Ilianen) si-kita we (plural incl.)
Palauan kid 1st person plural inclusive, emphatic: we/us
Samal kita we (dual incl.)
kita we (plural incl.)
Mansaka kita we (plural incl.)
Yakan kite bi we, us (plural incl.)
kite we, us (dual incl.)
Tombonuwo kito we (dual incl.)
Kadazan Dusun kito we (dual incl.)
Sangil kiteʔ 2nd pers. plural, you
Ida'an Begak kito 1st plural incl. NOM and GEN
Gayō kite we (plural incl.)
Lun Dayeh kitəh we (dual incl.)
Kiput kitah we (plural incl.)
Berawan (Long Terawan) kittəh we (plural incl.)
Berawan (Long Jegan) keta we (plural incl.)
Sa'ban tah we (dual incl.)
Kelabit kitəh we (dual incl.)
Sangir i kiteʔ we (plural incl.)
Simalur ita we (plural incl.)
d-ita we (plural incl.), emphatic form
Toba Batak hita we (plural incl.); also polite address for 2nd pers. sg.
Karo Batak kita we (plural incl.); also polite address for 2nd pers. sg.
Iban kita-i we (plural incl.), we, us, our
kitaʔ you, your
Malay (Sarawak) kita we (plural incl.)
kitaʔ you (used with older people)
Malay kita we (plural incl.); (sometimes) a royal or arrogant “I”; in Kelantan it excludes the person addressed
kitaʔ you (used with older people)
kita we (plural incl.)
Tring kitah we (dual incl.)
Tontemboan kita we (plural incl.)
Totoli kita we (plural incl.)
Tonsawang kica we (incl.)
Dampelas ʔita we (plural incl.)
Mongondow kita we (plural incl.)
Tajio si-ita we (plural incl.)
Siang kita-n we (plural excl.)
Banggai i-kita we (plural incl.)
Ba'amang kita we (plural incl.)
Bare'e kita we (plural incl.)
Ma'anyan kita we (plural excl.)
Mori Atas i-kito 1pl. incl., we
Tae' kita we (plural incl.); also used as a 2nd pers. sg. polite pronoun when speaking to members of the nobility, or to Europeans
Delang kito we (incl.)
Mandar itaʔ we (plural incl.); 2nd pers. sg. polite pronoun
Wolio iŋ-kita we (plural incl.)
Sundanese kita 2nd pers. (singular or plural); you
Old Javanese kita personal pronoun of the second person (singular or plural)
Javanese kita we, (all of us); our; editorial ‘we’ (i.e. plural in form, singular in denotation); you, your
Balinese kita you; also ‘I’
Proto-Minahasan kita we (plural incl.)
Buruese kita 1st pers. plural incl. object; us
Asilulu ite we (plural incl.), emphatic pronoun
Kei it we (plural incl.)
East Damar it we (incl. and excl.)
Yamdena kite we (plural incl.)
Talur gita we (incl.)
Kisar ika we (plural incl.)
Leti ita we (plural incl.)
Rembong kita we (plural incl.); also polite address for 2nd pers. sg.
Galoli gita we (plural incl.)
Ende kita we (plural incl.)
Ngadha gita ~ kita we (plural incl.)
Tetun ita we, us (plural incl.)
Kodi ghitja we (incl.)
Atoni hit we (plural incl.)
Wetan ita we (plural incl.)
Buli ite we (plural incl.)
Gimán kit 1pl. incl., we
Irarutu it we (incl.)
Woleaian giish we (plural incl.)
Puluwat kiir we (plural incl.)
Chuukese kiich we (plural incl.)
kicha we (plural incl.)
Pohnpeian kiht we (excl.)
-kit us (excl.)
Gilbertese ŋa-ira us
Mussau ita we (plural incl.)
Vitu hita we (plural incl.)
Bali (Uneapa) ghita 1pl inclusive subject pronoun
Gitua ita we (plural incl.)
Mono-Alu ma-ita we (plural incl.)
Numbami a-ita we, us (inclusive)
Zabana ɣita we (incl.)
Kokota gita we (plural incl.)
Lungga γita we (plural incl.)
Hoava γita 1pl. incl., we
Roviana gita we (plural incl.), absolutive and ergative/neutral pronoun
Bugotu gita we (plural incl.)
Nggela gita we (plural incl.)
Hula ia we (incl.)
Magori ita we (incl.)
Arosi gia we (plural incl.)
Saliba kita we (incl.)
Tubetube kita we (plural incl.), free form pronoun
Suau ita 1pl. incl., we
Toga γitə we (plural incl.)
Central Maewo γinda we (plural incl.)
Ngwatua kita we (plural incl.)
Raga γida we (plural incl.)
Avava git we (incl.)
Bonkovia kita we (plural incl.)
Efate (South) a-kit 1pl. incl., we

Also Fijian keda ‘we (plural incl.)’. Forms that appear to reflect *i-kita have simply incorporated the closely bound personal case marker for first and second person reference (less commonly, some languages have extended a reflex of *si, the bound personal case marker for third person reference to the base *ita or *kita. Since this was not an affix in PAn it is not treated as part of morphology here. It has long been known that first person plural pronouns have two distinct shapes (*ami/kami, *ita/kita), but both the morphology and the semantics that distinguish these pairs have remained elusive. Some languages have k-initial forms for all non-third person forms, as with Amis kako ‘I’, kiso ‘you’, ciŋra ~ ciira ‘s/he’, kita ‘we (incl.)’, kami ‘we (excl.)’, kamo ‘you (pl.)’, caŋra ~ caira ‘they’. Others, as Karo Batak or Toba Batak, contrast k-initial forms which function as more formal expressions of plural reference, or as polite 2nd sg. reference, with vowel-initial forms which function as familiar or intimate expressions of plural reference, and are not used at all in singular reference. There is little evidence that the forms *kita and *kami are bimorphemic, and the best option based on present evidence appears to be that vowel-initial and *k-initial forms were variants that conveyed distinctions of formality in PAn. Reflexes that are ambiguous for *ita or *kita have been assigned to the latter, since it is somewhat more common than the former.