The Austronesian Comparative Dictionary

*batux stone; testicle

PAN batux stone; testicle

Kavalan btu stone
Saisiyat bato stone
Hoanya batu stone
Thao fatu stone; testicle
Pazeh batu lasu testicle
batu stone
batu pataru chicken egg
Bunun (Takbanuad) batu stone
Bunun batuʔ stone
batuh stone
Bunun (Isbukun) batuʔ stone
Bunun batu stone
Kanakanabu váatu stone
Saaroa vatuʔu stone
Tsou fatu stone
Siraya watto stone
Favorlang/Babuza bato no macha pupil of fish’s eye
Bunun (Takituduh) batuh stone
Proto-Atayalic batu-nux stone
Favorlang/Babuza bato stone
Merap matawʔ stone

PMP batu stone; testicle; kind of banana; numeral classifier for teeth (?)

Itbayaten vato stone
Tsat tau¹¹ stone
Isneg bató stone, pebble
Agta (Central Cagayan) bitu stone
Malaweg batú stone
Itawis batú stone
Kalinga batú stone
Kalinga (Guinaang) batú stone
Agta (Dupaningan) bitu stone
Bontok batú stone, rock
Ifugaw batu rock
batú stone, boulder, pebble
Kankanaey bató stone
Ifugaw (Batad) batu rock
Casiguran Dumagat bito stone, rock, pebble
Pangasinan bató stone
Ilokano bató stone, rock, pebble
Sambal (Tina) bató stone
Sambal bató stone
Kapampangan batú stone, rock
sakít king batú kidney stones
Umiray Dumaget beto stone
Tagalog bató stone, rock; gem, jewel
Jarai pətəw stone
Hanunóo batú stone, rock
Masbatenyo bató stone, rock
Roglai (Northern) patəw stone
Tboli botu rock, stone
Aklanon bató stone
Inati bato stone
Hiligaynon batú rock, stone, pebble
Palawan Batak bató rock, stone, flint, pebble
Cebuano batú rock, stone, pebble; precious stone; kidney stone
Binukid mig-batu to harden
batu stone, rock, pebble, precious stone
Maranao wato stone, rock
Manobo (Western Bukidnon) batu stone; list or count with reference to the use of stones in counting
Palauan bad stone, rock, coral; crossbeams supporting floor of house; asleep
Bonggi batu stone
Mansaka bato stone
Tiruray batew stone; testicle
Yakan batu stone, rock
Tombonuwo watu stone, rock; classifier for living animals, fruits, large and small objects
Mapun batu-batu core of a boil, clot of blood
batu stone, rock, pebble
Manobo (Sarangani) bato rock, stone
Kadazan Dusun vatu stone
Labuk-Kinabatangan Kadazan vatu stone
Ida'an Begak batu stone
Murut (Timugon) batu stone
Tausug batu stone, rock, pebble
Murut (Paluan) batu stone
Belait bateow stone
Dali' bataw stone
Lun Dayeh batuh stone, pebble, rock, boulder, gastric stone
Kiput bataw stone
Acehnese bateə stone, rock, boulder; net sinkers
Bintulu batəw stone
Kenyah (Long Anap) batu stone
Kenyah batu stone
batə stone
Kelabit batuh stone
Kenyah (Òma Lóngh) batə stone
Sangir batu stone
be-batu testicle
batu-ne pit of a fruit
Lahanan batow stone
Melanau (Mukah) batəw stone
Simalur batu ~ fatu stone, coral
Toba Batak batu ni laŋit hail; hailstone
batu ni manuk egg
batu mar-anak a talisman consisting of two little stones, one larger and the other smaller, thought to have the power to bless a couple with children
batu ni dasiŋ counterweight on a scale
batu ni jala net sinkers
batu stone, weight, seed of fruit
Bekatan batuh stone
Karo Batak batu stone, rock; weights on a casting net, teeth (fig.)
Iban batu stone, rock, ore, stone-hard, made of stone, talisman, charms used by shamans for protection, for invisibility, or for clear sight when seeking errant souls in the afterworld
Malay batu api flintstone
batu stone, rock, boulder, pebble, gem, milestone, mile; anchor; net stones; numeral classifier for teeth
pisaŋ batu k.o. banana
batu araŋ charcoal
Tonsea watu stone
Bukat batu stone
Mongondow batu stone
batu bogani magnet
tagin batu banana sp.
Gorontalo botu stone; seed
Kayan batoʔ rock, stone
Pendau batu stone
Dusun Witu vatu stone
Banggai batu stone
Ngaju Dayak batu dasiŋ counterweight on a scale
batu jala lead chain under a fishnet
batu stone, counterweight on scale; sinker on fishline
batu-n baha hardening of abscess
Bare'e ke-watu stony
watu stone
Uma watu stone
Paku watu stone
Ma'anyan watu stone
Mori Atas vasu stone
Tae' batu stone, stony
batu papan housepost support
punti batu kind of banana with hard seeds
batu tedoŋ stone shaped like a small buffalo that was prized as an amulet used to ensure that the buffalo would thrive
Padoe vasu stone
Bungku vatu stone
Rejang butəw stone
Mandar mem-batu become hard (like stone)
batu stone
batu tuo very hard stone, river stone
Buginese batu ~ watu fruit, grain, seed; stone
Moronene vatu stone
Wolio batu waa flint
batu papa slate
batu stone, kernel, pip
batu-na tawu testicle
loka batu k.o. banana
batu lanto pumice
Muna bhatu lanto pumice
bhatu stake money in gambling
bhatu papa slate for writing
bhatu awu limestone
bhatu wua very hard stone found in rivers
Makassarese paʔ-batu turn to stone
batu stone, rock; gemstone; weight; net weights; fetus in first month of pregnancy; wages paid for the performance of sacred duties; numeral classifier used in counting houses, ships, fruits, clothing, coins, etc.
Lampung batu rock
Popalia fatu stone
Sundanese batu stone
cau batu k.o. banana
Old Javanese watu stone, rock
Javanese pa-wato-n piece of stone-filled land
watu stone
watu-nen have/get kidney stones
Bonerate vatu stone
Balinese batu-n butuh testicles
Malagasy fa-mato a charm
vato stone; weights
Proto-Minahasan batu stone
Bikol bató weight used in determining the weight and value of gold
Manipa haku stone
Kamarian hatu stone
Bobot hati stone
Buruese fatu rock, stone; whetstone
fatu-n numerical coefficient for betel nuts, fish, midun grubs, etc.
Hitu hatu stone
Amblau baru stone
Ujir fat stone
Dobel fatu stone
W.Tarangan (Ngaibor) pot stone
W.Tarangan pot stone
West Damar wotho stone
East Damar watu stone
Erai hatu stone
Talur hatu stone
Kisar waku stone
Luang watu stone
Adonara wato stone
Bimanese wadu stone
Tetun (Dili) fatu-k pebble
Galoli hatu stone
Komodo watu stone
watu rasang whetstone
Tetun fatu stone, rock
fatu-k pebble
Vaikenu fatu stone
Anakalangu watu stone
Kodi watu stone
Lamboya watu stone
Hawu wadu stone
Dhao/Ndao hadu stone
Wetan wati stone; become stone; dry up, of land; whetstone
Wakasihu hato stone
Buli pāt stone
Minyaifuin ka-pat stone
Moor vaʔa stone

POC patu stone

Hawaiian pō-haku rock, stone, mineral; tablet; rocky, stony
Nukuoro hadu-hadu-a stony, full of stones
hadu manava heart
hadu mada eyeball
hadu stone, rock; weathered coral
Kapingamarangi hadu hagageiŋa boundary stone
hadu manawa heart
hadu stone, rock
Seimat hat stone
Mussau atu stone
Kaniet fatu stone
Sobei fati stone
Ponam bat stone
Leipon pat stone
Sori ba stone
Lele pat stone
Andra bat stone
Ahus pat stone
Loniu pat stone
Papitalai pat stone
Bipi pak stone
Lindrou bek stone
Nali pat stone
Ere pat stone
Likum pok stone
Titan pat stone
Mendak wat stone
Kis pat stone
Manam patu stone
Tanga fa:t stone; piece of dead coral; generic for certain discs of clam shell which the Tanga make and use as tokens of value
Takia pat stone
Takuu hatu stone
Bali (Uneapa) vatu stone
Selau wat stone
Luangiua haku stone
Lusi patu stone
Tinputz βɔ̀s stone
Kove patu stone
Mbula pat stone; money, coins
Papapana na-vatu stone
Torau pau stone
Uruava patu stone
Roviana patu rock, stone
Eddystone/Mandegusu patu stone
Sikaiana hatu stone
Toqabaqita fau stone, rock; used in names of various corals; taro sp.
Lau fou stone, rock
fou-la stony; flint; limestone
Tuvaluan fatu stone; heart; seed
fatu fakamata whetstone
Kilivila vatu big stone; rock
Gabadi vaku stone
Nggela vatu-vatu rocky area
vatu stone, rock; made of stone
vatu ali pumice; limestone
Sinaugoro watu stone
Pileni fātu stone
Arosi hau stone, rock, iron (recent); expressing strength; coral
hau nagi flint
Anuta patu manava heart
patu rock, stone
Rennellese hatu stone, rock, coral, any hard metal; seed; pandanus key; fighting club with a stone head
Motlav ne-vet stone
Mosina vot stone
Lakona vat stone
Amblong fatu stone
Apma vet stone
Rano ne-vat stone
Atchin ni-vat stone
Leviamp na-v̋at stone
Lingarak ne-vat stone
Avava a-vat stone
Southeast Ambrym hat stone
Axamb nə-vær stone
Maxbaxo nə var stone
Pwele fatu stone
Efate (South) fat stone
Fijian vei-vatu groups of rocks, rocky country
vatu stone
vei-vatu-vatu stony place; shoulder-blade; slate for writing; coral
Ura ne-vat stone
Sie n-vat stone
Rarotongan atu stone or kernel of fruit; core of a boil or abscess
Maori whatu stone; kernel of fruit; pupil of eye; core of boil or abscess; anchor
Merig vat stone
Vatrata veʔ stone
Peterara vat stone
Arop pat stone

PWMP ma-batu rocky, stony

Ifugaw ma-batu rocky, of a land area (~ ma-batu)
Ifugaw (Batad) ma-batu rocky, of a land area (~ ma-batu)
Tagalog ma-bató rocky, full of rocks, stony
Masbatenyo ma-bató to stone, throw stones
Lun Dayeh me-batuh rocky
Old Javanese a-watu having as rocks

PWMP ma-matu collect stones(?), use stones for a purpose

Ifugaw ma-matú get stones (as to build a stone wall)
Toba Batak ma-matu-i weigh with stones; also to lay stones under the beams of a house as supports
Iban matu clean with a stone, as the hands

PWMP ka-batu-an stony place, stony ground

Itbayaten ka-vato-an stony place
Casiguran Dumagat ka-betw-an riverbed
Tagalog ka-batu-hán stony or rocky place
Masbatenyo ka-batu-hán place of many stones
Aklanon ka-ba-bátw-an stony area/place
Mapun ka-batuh-an rocky area (not good for planting)
Kadazan Dusun ko-votu-han place where there are plenty of stones
Tausug ka-batuh-an rocky area

PWMP b<in>atu (gloss uncertain)

Ilokano b<in>ató made of stone
Tboli b<n>otu stony, full of rocks
Kelabit b<in>atuh cemetery, burial place
Old Javanese w<in>atu throw a stone at, hit with a stone

PWMP b<um>atu become hard or stonelike, harden

Ifugaw b<um>atú become stone, harden
Casiguran Dumagat b<um>itó for one’s stomach to become hard like a rock (of a person with a stomach ache)
Ilokano b<um>ató throw stones
Tagalog b<um>ató to stone, throw stones at
Cebuano mu-batú harden
Javanese matu hard, rocklike

PWMP batu-an (gloss uncertain)

Masbatenyo batu-hán stony place
Maranao bato-an tough to cook; sterile
wato-an weight
Yakan batu-han stony, stone-covered
Mapun batu-an set aside a coconut or stone for every hundred coconuts
Sangir batu-aŋ net weights (formerly stones and shells); anchor
Toba Batak batu-an weight on a scale
Mongondow batu-an throw stones; counterweight on a scale
Old Javanese watwan ~ waton edge, border (architectural term)

PWMP batu-en stony, as land

Ilokano batu-en to stone
Kapampangan batu-an stone someone
Cebuano batu-un full of rocks, stones; pimply-faced
Binukid batu-en full of stones or rocks
ag-batu-wen be stoned by someone
Manobo (Sarangani) beto-wen rocky place
Tausug batu-hun to stone something
Toba Batak tano na batu-on stony land
Banggai batu-on stony, full of stones (as soil)
Javanese watu-nen have or get kidney stones

PPh *batu-en evidently also meant ‘to stone someone or something’.

PWMP ba-batu (gloss uncertain)

Sangir be-batu testicle
Ngaju Dayak ba-batu stony, hard, as fruits

PMP batu-batu stony, gravel

Ifugaw batu-batu stony
Ifugaw (Batad) batu-batu stony
Ilokano bató-bató weight, lead, clock plumbob
Masbatenyo batu-báto anchor, sinker
Cebuano batu-bátu anchor, sinker on a fishing line
Maranao bato-bato hump
Mapun batu-batu core of a boil, clot of blood
Toba Batak batu-batu (German: Hoden)
Karo Batak batu-batu large wooden blocks used to warm up a woman in childbed
Malay batu-batu-an calculi, gravel in urine
Ngaju Dayak batu-batu as a stone, hard
Tae' meʔ-batu-batu silent as a stone, utter no word
Mandar batu-batu gravel
Kapingamarangi hadu-hadu rocky, lumpy; limestone strate below soil level
Mbula pat-pat gravel, many little stones
Roviana patu-patu stony
Rennellese hatu-hatu stony, rocky

Many of these reduplications may be products of independent historical changes, and this may be the reason that there is so much semantic diversity in the attested forms.

PMP batu hapuy flintstone

Iban batu api flintstone
Malay batu api flint for striking a light
Ngaju Dayak batu api flintstone
Malagasy vato afo fireflint, generally a kind of siliceous sinter or common opal
Komodo watu api flintstone

Possibly a product of borrowing from Malay.

PWMP batu hasaq whetstone

Melanau (Mukah) batu asaʔ whetstone
Iban batu ansah whetstone
Malay batu asah whetstone
Ngaju Dayak batu asah whetstone

PWMP batu papan broad, flat rock shaped like a plank

Yakan batu papan big rock with flat surface (level with ground)
Mapun batu pepan a flat rock
Tae' batu papan broad, flat stone that looks like a plank or wall

PMP quzan batu₁ hail (lit. ‘stone rain’)

Sundanese hujan batu hail