The Austronesian Comparative Dictionary

*lahud downstream, toward the sea

PAN lahud downstream, toward the sea

Saisiyat Læhœr downhill
Thao mana-raus go downstream, go downhill, go toward the sea
raus downhill, downstream; in a downward direction from the mountains
shi-raus typhoon
Pazeh (Kahabu) rahud downstream, toward the sea
Pazeh rahut west; downstream, lower part of a river
mu-rahut to flow, as water
mia-rahut go west, go downstream
rahud downstream, toward the sea
Kanakanabu ʔama-laúcu downhill
Saaroa tala-la-laucu to look down
Tsou mua-rovcu to blow downhill
moh-rovcu to flow downstream
Rukai (Tona) aúDu downhill
Rukai laudu downwards
aúDu downhill
Rukai (Mantauran) laudu downwards
Paiwan lʸe-lauz to go downhill
lauz seaward, downslope, toward lower reaches of river
Itbayaten xawod idea of being in the offing by the current
Ilokano laúd-en to the west of
láud West
ag-pa-laud go to the west
Chamorro lagu north (in Guam and Rota); west (in Saipan)
Hanunóo láwud lowlands, coastal regions; down below, as opposed to up in the mountains
Aklanon eawód ocean, sea
Waray-Waray lawód midsea, high seas
Cebuano lawud-láwud be like a sea (as a vast wet rice field)
lawúd deep open sea
Binukid lawed deep open sea; center area of a large clearing
Maranao lawd offshore; far; body of deep water
Manobo (Western Bukidnon) lawed in the middle of a vast area, such as the ocean; to finish planting half of a field
Mansaka lawud downstream, seaward
Mapun lud-lūr-an slope, downhill area of land
pa-lūd cause something to go downhill
lūd go downhill
Ida'an Begak laud wind
Tausug lūr-un slope, embankment, downhill area, falling ground
l<um>ūd come down from higher ground, travel downhill
Lun Dayeh lood toward the sea, downriver
Bintulu laud toward the sea; outside
Kelabit laʔud downriver, toward the sea
Sangir laudəʔ ocean
Iban laut sea; Malay, Muslim
Malay laut sea, ocean; north (in certain expressions only, as ‘northwest’, ‘northeast’)
Ngaju Dayak laut downstream, seaward; overseas
olo laut people from across the sea
Bare'e lau directional term indicating a place that lies at a lower elevation than the speaker, or at least not clearly at a higher elevation
lauk-a low, as the sun in the sky or the level of water
Tae' lauʔ south, downstream (southward, where the Land of the Dead is)
Delang loot sea
Buginese lauʔ sea
a-lauʔ east (in Bone)
Makassarese lauʔ west (in Goa); south (in Bantaeng)
Old Javanese maŋa-lor go to the north, northward
l<in>or-an to pass on the north side
lor north
Balinese lod sea
Bikol lawód the open sea

PCEMP laur toward the sea

Alune lo-lau downstream, toward the sea
Paulohi lau toward the sea
Asilulu lau seaward
Dobel law sea
Talur lor sea
Luang lorə sea
Tetun lor low-lying ground, the tidal regions, seaside
Kambera laura sea; downstream, at a lower elevation
Hawu lou sea
dou lou foreigner, stranger (lit. ‘sea person’)
wini lou of foreign origin (lit; ‘sea seed’, said of the mother if she has married in to Hawu; not of the father)
Wetan lora sea, used especially in contrast to land; go to the sea
na-lora at sea, to the sea, from the sea; seaside
Buli po-lau on the sea-side
la-lau toward the sea and away from the speaker
ma-lau toward the sea and toward the speaker
lau sea-side
Wandamen rau seaward
Waropen rau ~ ndau sea; outside

POC laur downriver, toward the sea

Gedaged lau the high seas, an open, unenclosed portion of the sea
Lakalai -lau toward the sea
g-o-lau go seaward
Bugotu lau beach, seashore, seaward; south
Lau lau north; open sea to the north
Nggela lau seawards; to the shore, shorewards, from a speaker inland; shore; the sea, in ‘an island in the sea’; the bank of a river; south, conventional use in translations
Arosi rau side, bank of stream; shore
rau-na i asi beach
rau-na i wai river bank
Mota lau the seaside as opposed to the inland, the beach as approached from the land
Fijian lau east; name of the Windward Islands
Tolai lau the open sea; horizon; the bush people apply this word to any place out of sight; distant, remote, inaccessible, invisible

PMP i-lahud (gloss uncertain)

Itbayaten i-xawod go far from the shore (on water), be carried away by waves
Masbatenyo i-lawód downstream area, seaward place; towards town place
Aklanon pa-i-lawód to go seawards
i-lawód the seaward part of any town
Cebuano i-láwud place toward town and away from rural areas
Makassarese i-lauʔ in the west, of the west
i-lauk-anna westward, the west side of something

POC i-laur (gloss uncertain)

Manam i-laul-o seaward

PWMP ka-lahud (gloss uncertain)

Sangir ka-laudəʔ at sea
Ngaju Dayak ka-laut from beyond the shores, foreign
Old Javanese ka-lor to the north of
Balinese ka-lod to the sea; north/south

PWMP ma-lahud (gloss uncertain)

Sangir ma-laudəʔ of the sea, marine
tau ma-laudəʔ navigator
Malay me-laut to put out to sea
Ngaju Dayak ma-laut leave the coast, put out to sea

PAN Si-lahud wind from the sea (?)

Thao shi-raus typhoon
Itbayaten hi-lawod north wind
hi-lawr-en disease caused by north wind

PWMP ka-lahud-an (gloss uncertain)

Cebuano ka-lawr-an seas
Bahasa Indonesia ka-laut-an things connected with the sea

PWMP lahud-an the high seas, far from land

Sangir laur-aŋ the wide sea, the high seas
Bahasa Indonesia laut-an very wide sea, ocean

PMP pa-lahud go downriver, go seaward

Ilokano ag-pa-láud to go to the west (= go seaward)
Mapun pa-lūd to go downhill, to cause something to go downhill

POC pa-laur go to sea, make a sea voyage

Mota walau-a to collect things for a voyage
wala-walau to paddle all together
Raga walau guide, steer, direct
Maori wharau travel, particularly by water
wharau-ŋa voyage